
“Naija grilled chicken Loaded.

“Naija grilled chicken,” is a flavorful and popular dish. Here are a couple of delicious recipes you might enjoy:

Chicken Suya:
Chicken Suya is a Nigerian street food made with chicken wings marinated in Suya spice (also known as yaji or Suya pepper) and then grilled to perfection. The wings become tender and flavorful, with the spice mix adding a delightful kick.
1 kilogram (2.2 lbs) chicken wings
4 tablespoons Suya spice (divided)
2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder
3 tablespoons peanut oil (or vegetable oil)
Sliced red onion and Roma tomatoes for garnish
Thinly sliced cabbage and chopped lettuce

You can find the detailed recipe here.
Nigerian Mixed Grill (Suya):
This dish combines grilled chicken, shrimp, and steak seasoned with a hot spice blend of cayenne pepper and ground peanuts. It’s a classic Nigerian favorite.
Cayenne pepper, roasted peanuts, smoked sweet paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, ground ginger, kosher salt, Maggi bouillon cubes
Jumbo shrimp, eye (rib), boneless chicken thighs
Lime wedges and parsley for garnish

You can find the detailed recipe here.
Chicken Suya (African-style chicken satays):
These chicken satays are smothered in a spicy, flavorful peanut butter sauce and baked to juicy, crispy perfection. They’re great for snacks, picnics, or as a main dish.

Garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, white pepper, cayenne, groundnut paste (peanut butter), bouillon, skinless chicken thighs
Vegetable oil and African pepper sauce
You can find the detailed recipe here.
Feel free to explore these recipes and enjoy some delicious Naija grilled chicken!

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